mahsa بچه ها شما نميدونيد كه زمان آزمونjce كيه؟ميتونين از آموزشگاهاتون بپرسين؟ممنون ميشم راهنماييم كنيد
ارسال شده بوسیله mammad در 19 دي 1391 11:02 ق.ظ I usually devote three or four hours of my time for studying for ILI just before I wanna go there
ارسال شده بوسیله mammad در 20 دي 1391 10:27 ب.ظ No Sarah, I'm still in High Intermediate 2 level in ILI I've not yet finished it ?why did you think I'm done with ILI
sarah.nodet : mammad : No Sarah, I'm still in High Intermediate 2 level in ILI I've not yet finished it ?why did you think I'm done with ILI u talk engilish so good whereas i can't while i've finished ili about 2 years ago...
mammad : No Sarah, I'm still in High Intermediate 2 level in ILI I've not yet finished it ?why did you think I'm done with ILI