ارسال توسط
روابط عمومی در تاریخ 01 فروردین 1392 03:31
( گروه:
سایر اخبار )
The Nowruz Haft Sin has to possess five features: 1) the names must be Persian. 2) they have to start with the letter sin in the Persian alphabet. 3) Their origins must go back to plants 4) they must be edible 5) Their names do not have to be made up of combinations.
Based on this, which Haft Sin do you think is the most appropriate?
1) apple, garlic, coin, sumac, vinegar, samanu, grass
2) apple, garlic, sumac, vinegar, samanu, grass, oleaster
3) apple, garlic, coin, hyacinth, vinegar, samanu, grass
4) apple, garlic, hyacinth, vinegar, samanu, grass, coin