ارسال توسط
روابط عمومی در تاریخ 07 فروردین 1392 03:31

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aWhich one of the following spring poems has NOT written by Hafiz?
1- Tis the fresh spring. In this strive that joyous of heart thou mayst be: for, again, blossometh many a rose when in the clay (of the grave) thou shalt be.
2- All that grace and beauty (of snare). That autumn ( the world) displayed, at last, at the food of the spring-breeze (the murshid), is ended.
3- From December, what tyrannies (they were) that the bulbuls endured: in the hope that, again, the fresh spring may come back.
4- Alas, that spring should vanish with the Rose! That youth’s sweet-scented Manuscript should close!