جمعه 17 اسفند 1403  | English
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز دوازدهم)
چکیده: ;Come out into the glade  ;See all in green arrayed In every nook the rose .Her venal beauty shows Now on the nightingale :The smiling rose doth rail Be silent, thout, and see' '!All these that silent be
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز یازدهم)
چکیده: Tis the fresh spring. In this strive that joyous'  :of heart thou mayst be For, again, blossometh many a rose when in the clay  .of the grave) thou shalt be)
مسابقه شعر نوروزی ( روز دهم)
چکیده: Call me, oh call me Your voice is so good Your voice is like the green essence of that wondrous plant .that grows at the far end of sorrow’s intimacy
مسابقه شعر نوروزی ( روز نهم)
چکیده: ,If on the sward’s throne, again be the spring of life :O bird, night-singing! Over thy head, thou mayst draw the canopy of the rose .suffer not grief
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز هشتم)
چکیده: The springtide of lovers has come, that this dust bowl may become a garden; the proclamationofheavenhas come, that the bird of the soul may rise in flight
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز هفتم)
چکیده: :Musk- diffusing , the breath of the morning breeze shall be :Again the world old (by autumn and winter) young shall be
مسابقه شعر نورورزی (روز ششم)
چکیده: ,There’s in my heart, something like a grove of light ,like early morning slumber and I am so restless I want to run to the end of the plain, to the top of the mountain .A voice calls me from afar
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز پنجم)
چکیده: From December, what tyrannies (they were) that  :the nightingales endured .In the hope that, again, the fresh spring may come back
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز چهارم)
چکیده: I walked at dawn in the glade ,And gathered roses there But seeing the gardener .I was sore afraid ,The gardener spake to me :sweet words I heard him say ?Roses, what matter they' .'I have given the glade to thee
مسابقه شعر نوروزی (روز سوم)
چکیده: ,All that grace and beauty that autumn displayed .At last, at the foot of the spring –breeze, is ended
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